Friday, April 07, 2006

My Thoughts...

Well, it's almost summer vacation and I'm kind of excited to take a rest after a year of studying and working. Although I think I'm going to be bored some days but I believe my vacation will still be meaningful, after all, I'm going to prepare for my wedding.:D I'm excited to do that, though a bit scared as well, but I'm confident that God will guide me through every decision that has to be made.:) I want this occassion to be perfect not only for me and my fiance but also for God. After all, He is the one who brought me and my fiance together.:)

Anyway, I'm still going through some tests now, and sometimes it's so hard to stay focus on God. There are times when I think what else can I do to make amends? Or to make them accept my decision? But in the end, I am always reminded that God is in control of everything. There are times that it's so hard to stay optimistic about the whole situation, or to even have hope that all these tests will come to an end, but God never fails to remind me that He is beside me, guiding me, carrying me in these times of troubles. As I look forward to the free time that I'll be having this vacation, I am also wary of what might happen. Sometimes I just want to run away from all of these problems but I know that running away will not resolve anything. My friends and spiritual family never fails to encourage me to endure and to persevere and they are always there to listen to my hurts and my anger.

I am really thankful that God placed me in a supportive spritual family. They always remind me that trials and tests are Gods method of changing our character. That God also promised that he will never leave me, that when I face trials He will be there to help. Romans 5:3-5 says,

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.""

Aside from that, I know that there is also a reason why God allows hardship to enter our lives. James 1:2-4 says,

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

I have to admit that sometimes I forget these promises of God, especially when nothing I do seems to make an effect, when I am pressed on every side, and every day seems to be a test to me. But God never fails to remind me that He is in control of everything, that he is beside me. I am thankful.:) As hard as things might seem right now, I know that God has a plan, a reason why he's allowing it to happen. In the end, I will learn something from this experience, something will be developed in me and I will be more equip to do the good, pleasing and perfect will God has for my life.:)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Held Up to God's Light...

Here's another article that I want to share.:)

Malachi 3:17 "'They will be mine,'" says the Lord Almighty, 'in the day when I make up my treasured possession...'"

Held Up to God's Light
(by: Connie Neal)

I want to spend my time here on earth allowing God's light to shine throuugh my life. I love Isaiah's prophecy, in 61:3, that God wants to use us to display his splendor. God says we're like priceless jewels. He wants to use us to reflect his own light and beauty. Malachi 3:17 tells us, "'They wil be mine,' says the Lord Almighty, 'in the day when I make up my treasured possession.'" God looks at us and sees a special treasure, a fine jewel.
Sure, we all have imperfections. We live in an imperfect world. God does not intend us to be flawless in this life. Our created purpose is to let God's light shine through every facet of our being, expressing his colors and beauty through us in ways no one else can.
If you look at a ring under the microscope every day and become intimately familiar with every flaw, you might be embarassed by it. But that is not how God meant the beauty of diamonds to be seen. The beauty of a diamond is seen when someone holds it up in the sunlight and everyone can see it sparkle.
We are not to misuse our time on this earth, focusing on every little flaw within us. We are created to shine with the light of God's creative genius. Everything about you could be appreicated as a unique part of God's masterpiece of creation or despised as somehow inferior to someone else's attributes, talents, abilities or situation.
When you appreicate yourself in all your uniqueness, you will dare to hold your life up to the light. You will dare to live out the beauty you were created to express. You will keep your life cleaned and polished with the forgiveness of God.

Life is not just about achieving or being successfull in everything that we do, life is about living it to the fullest, experiencing all the failures and hardships of life, and still being able to smile and have hope for the future. Each and every one of us is created uniquely by God, each with our own strengths and weaknesses, but having our own destiny and purpose in this life. How you live your life is a choice and a decision that only you can make. Live it wisely.:)